GoWell Annual Event
Our annual event provides an important opportunity for local community representatives, practitioners and policymakers to come together to consider and discuss key findings that have emerged from GoWell over the past year.
There are 15 study areas in GoWell all of which have been undergoing varying types and levels of change over the past decade. Residents of these 15 study areas have been surveyed by GoWell on four occasions.
Prof Ade Kearns presented an overview of the main findings from our analysis of changes reported in the main GoWell survey from 2006 to 2015. This was done for indicators of health and wellbeing as well as for indicators relating to four sets of wider determinants of health: environmental, social, psychosocial and economic factors.
Recent findings from other parts of GoWell such as qualitative research with residents living in new build housing and in communities adjacent to regeneration areas were also presented.
Delegates had the opportunity to break into one of four workshops to hear about and discuss GoWell and wider learning relating to: housing and health; social regeneration; community resilience; and empowerment.
Presentation and workshop slides are available to download below (PDFs).
Prof Ade Kearns: Change over time: findings from the GoWell wave 4 community survey