Search Results
6 results for gowell east equalities.
GoWell East: key equalities issues in the baseline survey - gender
This ‘Gender’ report is part of a set of four ‘Equalities’ reports, designed to provide a baseline of differences between various equalities groups prior to the 2014 Commonwealth Games.
publications/385_gowell_east_key_equalities_issues_in_the_baseline_survey_-_gender -
GoWell East: key equalities issues in the baseline survey - households
This ‘household types’ report is part of a set of four ‘Equalities’ reports, designed to provide a baseline of differences between various equalities groups prior to the 2014 Commonwealth Games.
publications/386_gowell_east_key_equalities_issues_in_the_baseline_survey_-_households -
GoWell East: key equalities issues in the baseline survey - disability
This 'disabilities and longstanding illness' report is part of a set of four ‘Equalities’ reports, designed to provide a baseline of differences between various equalities groups prior to the 2014 Commonwealth Games.
publications/390_gowell_east_key_equalities_issues_in_the_baseline_survey_-_disability -
GoWell East: key equalities issues in the baseline survey - ethnicity
This 'ethnicity' report is part of a set of four ‘Equalities’ reports, designed to provide a baseline of differences between various equalities groups prior to the 2014 Commonwealth Games.
publications/415_gowell_east_key_equalities_issues_in_the_baseline_survey_-_ethnicity -
GoWell East
goeast -
GoWell East Schools Intern
We have recently been joined by a student from one of the schools participating in our study, Maher Kabbani, for a short work placement.